Background Papers
There is a large amount of background information that has informed the SmartGrowth Strategy 2024, including the chapters.
To find out more see below -
SmartGrowth Strategy Scenarios
Areas to be Protected and Developed Carefully
Housing and Business Capacity Assessment 2022
Click here to access the Ngā Tāngata PDF map with the provision for layers to be turned off and on. This map shows the cultural landscape in the western Bay of Plenty sub region. To turn layers off and on you will need to download the PDF. In the toolbar to the right hand side there is a layers button (fourth down from the top). This allows you to select and unselect various layers.
Other maps are provided in the Draft SmartGrowth Strategy document. For information at a detailed scale, please refer to the following websites:
Tauranga City Council:
Western Bay of Plenty District Council:
Bay of Plenty Regional Council:
Please contact us at SmartGrowth for further information or if you need any assistance.
Disclaimer: SmartGrowth does not make any representation or give any warranty as to the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information provided in the maps in the SmartGrowth Strategy. The information included on the maps is indicative only and is not a complete database of all information available. The information provided is not to be relied on for detailed assessments and you must seek your own advice as to its accuracy or exhaustiveness.
Stakeholder Engagement Background
The strategy has been developed in partnership with Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Tauranga City Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, tāngata whenua, and central government.
In developing the SmartGrowth Strategy, we’ve worked directly with stakeholders who are engaged in planning and delivery of community development, transport, infrastructure, housing and business land.

Over the last decade a number of initiatives have occurred that now feed into the SmartGrowth Strategy 2023. This is illustrated in the diagram above, along with the level of consultation and engagement that has occurred.
Throughout this process, consultation has taken place with all partners and stakeholders. To find out more see Engagement and Consultation 2023.