Newsletter September 2023

Tēnā koutou,
From Waihī Beach to Ōtamarākau, and everywhere in between, we’re one of the fastest growing areas of Aotearoa New Zealand. The SmartGrowth Strategy is our plan to manage growth. It considers how housing, land, infrastructure, transport, community development, tāngata whenua aspirations, and the natural environment need to be looked at together to achieve effective long-term growth. We want you to feel confident that we have a plan in place to manage growth, so we can all be proud of where we live.
In 2021, a draft Joint Spatial Plan was prepared that incorporates the Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) Connected Centres programme adopted by SmartGrowth in 2020. Our important stakeholders and partner forum members played a key role in helping us to develop this and we used this to form the basis of the SmartGrowth Strategy2023. As a valued contributor to SmartGrowth, we are re-connecting with you to share the Draft SmartGrowth Strategy 2023, which is now available. There are a few different ways to view the draft SmartGrowth Strategy. You can either read the whole document or take a look at the Strategy Story, which offers a brief overview of the strategy.

We would love you to give feedback on the strategy and tell us what you think. A consultation period will be held from 18 September – 20 October 2023. Have your say by 5pm, Friday 20 October.
You can share your thoughts -
Online wānanga ipurangi -
Face to face, kanohi ki te kanohi –with the hearings panel
- Date: 4-6 December
- Venue: Council chambers, Western Bay of Plenty District Council
- Email -
Hard copy, pepa mārō – printed feedback forms are available at all council library and service centres.
We intend for the strategy to be approved in early 2024 and it will be used going forward to inform planning and strategic documents by councils and other partners in the sub region, including the future Regional Spatial Strategy.
What’s next?
We’ll be keeping our website up to date with progress on the strategy and we’ll be in touch when we have key updates to share.
Nāku iti noa, nā
The SmartGrowth team