Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI)
The Urban Form and Transport Initiative (UFTI) was a collaborative project led by SmartGrowth and the NZ Transport Agency and involved Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Tauranga City Council, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, iwi, and community leaders. Together, we committed to developing a refreshed, coordinated and aligned approach to key issues across the sub-region – such as housing, transport and urban development. UFTI focussed on supporting liveable community outcomes – finding answers for housing capacity, intensification, multi-modal transport (such as public transport and cycleways) and network capacity.
The final UFTI report was released in July 2020. Incorporating UFTI within the SmartGrowth Strategy 2023 ensures there is one cohesive strategic document for the western Bay of Plenty that incorporates and reflects the settlement pattern and key projects planned for the sub-region over the next 10 years. This enables us to take a broader and long-term approach to wellbeing.
The UFTI final report was released in July 2020. The full report can be viewed here or you can view each of the five parts separately as outlined below -
Part 1 - SmartGrowth Partnership and Collaboration
Part 2a - Recap of our UFTI Journey;
Part 2b - Figures Maps Tables
Part 3 - Overview of the Connected Centres Programme
Part 4 - Delivering the Connected Centres Programme
Part 5 - UFTI Technical Inputs and Appendices
As part of the UFTI process, a number of key research reports were developed that formed part of the supporting documentation for the UFTI programme and now, the SmartGrowth Strategy 2023 and Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan.
Click here to see videos and find out more about UFTI.